I have been horrible about updating my blog the past few weeks (have been super busy at work and travelling) so I'll just do a month 1 review.
I had some good meal plan days and a lot of bad ones. I need to not have cookies and M&Ms in the house or completely resist eating them because I can't have just one/some. Week 4 didn't really happen. I started it and got sick and tried to push through but my body had other ideas. I tried to start it again last week and did good until Thursday because we were on vacation. I had every intention to exercise in the mornings and even downloaded the workouts I would need but didn't do them. It's hard to find time to exercise when your toddler is with you all day and you're not at home and family is around. I did however complete a 7 day squat challenge and did the exercises for that every day so I'll count it towards something. I had my shakeo every day too. While I tried to eat healthy on vacation I indulged more than I had hoped and even had McDonald's for dinner yesterday (we were still on the road). BUT I did have water instead of soda! With missing about 2 weeks of exercise and eating poorly I gained weight and inches. I'm trying to not be too upset about it and thinking of it as being able to get even better results in the end.
Month 2 of Max 30 started today and it wasn't too bad. I also ordered Piyo (yay!!) and plan on doing that alongside Max 30 for the stretching. I am LOVING the Piyo meal plan too! There's more peanut butter and milk counts as a protein! That's huge since I love pb and hated eating so much animal protein. I WILL STICK TO THE MEAL PLAN! (if I say it it's going to be true, right?) I really want to lose the weight I gained over vacation and maybe a few more lbs before our cruise. That way I can enjoy the food and drinks without worrying. ;)
Updated Stats:
Weight 115 lbs
BMI 20.0
Waist 26"
Hips 32"
Butt 36"
Thighs 20.5"