Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Insanity Max 30 Week 1 Results

I started on the 4th of July because why not? I ate fairly well but honestly it's a holiday so... First up was Cardio Challenge. I maxed out at 8:10 but kept going. Tabata Power on day 2 kicked my butt and I had to stop 24 mins in. I had done CC after lunch and TP first thing in the morning so the lack of food in my stomach took a huge toll. I pushed myself too hard and paid for it. You live and learn and I started day 3 with 1T peanut butter on whole wheat toast and didn't have any problems finishing Sweat Intervals. I used the modifier because some things hurt my back but I didn't max out. Day 4 had TP again and I didn't max out thanks to pb. Day 5 was Friday Fight and I maxed out at 11:42. Day 6 can be rest but I chose to follow the ab maximizer schedule so I did Pulse which doesn't seem hard but takes a lot of mental strength.

My calves hurt all week. I followed the meal plan but added in some cookies and veggie chips because it was coming out to 1000-1200 calories and I didn't feel that was enough given how intense the exercises are. I'm trying to stay under 1500 so my body doesn't go into stress mode.

Shakes this week included:
Chocolate with 2t peanut butter (meh)
Tropical Strawberry with 3/4C strawberry greek yogurt and 1C water (yum)
Chocolate with 1/2t mint extract (YUM!)
Tropical Strawberry with 1/2C pineapple OJ and 1/2C water (yum)
Chocolate with 2T finely chopped almonds for National Chocolate with Almonds Day (can't really
          taste the almonds)
Tropical Strawberry with 5 frozen strawberries, 3/4C pineapple coconut yogurt, and 1/2C coconut
          water for National Pina Colada Day (on the 9th)

I'm going to start mixing most of my shakes with yogurt to get that extra protein and red container in. Plus it makes it like a milkshake.

I didn't lose any inches and gained a pound this week. My guess is it's from my sore legs and building muscle (hopefully). Plus it takes time to gain and lose weight so I can't expect to see amazing results in a week.

Updated Stats:
Weight 111.5 lbs 112.5
BMI 19.5 19.6
Waist 25.25"
Hips 32"
Butt 35.5"
Thighs 20"
Arms 9.5"
Calves 12.5"/13"

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Join the flock!

So you've researched Beachbody programs and maybe even purchased or completed one and want to reap the benefits. First thing you should ask yourself is "do I want to be a premium club member and have access to Beachbody on Demand (BOD) and get a 10% discount or do I want to be a coach, get BOD, get a 25% discount, and help others achieve their goals?" I highly recommend becoming a coach but here's a breakdown of the cost associated with each option...

Free Membership ($0!!)

  • Your own personal coach (me)
  • Access to message boards
  • Access to the online supergym to log your workouts and track your progress
Premium Club Membership (Free for 1st 30 days then $2.99/week billed quarterly at $38.87)

  • Your own personal coach (me)
  • Access to message boards
  • Access to the online supergym to log your workouts and track your progress
  • Access to Q&A sessions with trainers
  • Create personalized meal plans to help achieve your goals
  • 10% discount on all Beachbody products including programs, shakeology, and accessories
  • Stream hundreds of workouts and have access to all the nutritional packets that come with each program including TurboFire, P90X, P90X2, P90X3, 10 Minute Trainer, Slim in 6, Insanity, Insanity Asylum 1&2, Tai Cheng, Brazil Butt Lift, BBL Master Series, BBL Carnivale, Hip Hop Abs, and ChaLean Extreme. New workouts added every month.
Coach ($16/month + $40 sign up fee + $38.87 quarterly Premium Membership)
  • Your own personal coach (me)
  • Access to message boards
  • Access to the online supergym to log your workouts and track your progress
  • Access to Q&A sessions with trainers
  • Create personalized meal plans to help achieve your goals
  • 25% discount on all Beachbody products including programs, shakeology, and accessories
  • Stream hundreds of workouts and have access to all the nutritional packets that come with each program including TurboFire, P90X, P90X2, P90X3, 10 Minute Trainer, Slim in 6, Insanity, Insanity Asylum 1&2, Tai Cheng, Brazil Butt Lift, BBL Master Series, BBL Carnivale, Hip Hop Abs, and ChaLean Extreme. New workouts added every month.
  • Sign up fee is WAIVED if you purchase a challenge pack (discounts not applicable) or if you're active duty military, spouse, or a veteran your sign up fee AND monthly fee are both waived!
  • 30 day money back guarantee if you decide it's not for you
  • Access to your team of coaches to help you succeed and help other succeed
  • You get to help others achieve their goals
  • 25% commission on all sales even if you're classified as inactive (see below)
  • Weekly paychecks based on commission

Active vs Inactive Coach

If you decide to become a coach there are 2 classifications: active and inactive. Basically if you sell 50 PV (personal volume) in a 35 day period you'll achieve active status and be eligible for extra team bonuses after you build your team. PV varies depending on the product but if you order Shakeology every month you'll get 90 PV. The 50 PV can be from things you order or things others order or a combination of both. What happens if you don't get 50 PV? You become inactive but still get 25% commission on anything you sell!!

I know it sounds like a lot and it's overwhelming at first. The monthly fee and 50 PV were the 2 things holding me back from becoming a coach. I'm still new at this so I can't really say if it's going to be awesome or not but I knew I wanted to do Beachbody programs, drink Shakeology, and help others so I signed up. The best part I've found so far is being able to help people get healthier. I really didn't expect to get this feeling but it's so fulfilling and heartwarming! 

Here's a look at what you'd spend a month if you ordered Shakeology with the monthly autoship option:

Free Member: $132.08/month
Premium Member: $119.09/month + $12.96 premium = $132.05/month (saves $0.36/year)
Coach: $97.46/month + $12.96 premium + $16 websites = $126.42/month (saves $67.92/year)

This doesn't include any commission. The commissions from 12/25/2014-12/30/2015 range from $0-$18,210 for retail coaches with an average of $502. I believe this is per year but the statement doesn't say. It's all about how much effort you put into it. The statement can be found here.

So are you ready to join our flock? Sign up to be a coach here or sign up for a free Beachbody account here.

Insanity Max 30

I've decided to continue my fitness journey with Insanity Max 30 (IM30 for short). I've tried a workout before and it's intense but I think it will keep me motivate by staying challenging. I'll update every week again with new stats and photos and a description of the week itself. I'm drinking Shakeology this time and am following closer to the meal plan with the containers so hopefully I'll see better results than BBL (not that those weren't good too). So here goes...

Starting Stats:
Weight 111.5 lbs
BMI 19.5
Waist 25.25"
Hips 32"
Butt 35.5"
Thighs 20"
Arms 9.5"
Calves 12.5"/13"

(my right calf is larger due to nerve problems and is swollen most of the time)

BBL Week 7/FINAL Results

This week has been hard. Almost every morning I'm fighting hitting snooze instead of doing my workouts. Monday I only did bum bum because I had a dr appt super early. Tuesday I didn't want to do sculpt so I tried higher and tighter and won't be doing that again as it hurts my back.

My pictures and measurements are actually from a day early because we're going out of town and I don't want to deal with bringing anything extra. I'm still not sure if I'll finish now or do week 8 when we get back. I decided to make this my last week and just enjoy vacation. Hopefully we'll stay active and won't binge too much on vacation. It's a lot harder to stay on track when travelling but luckily some meals have been planned out so I can try to stick with my meal plan.

Updated Stats:
Weight 111.8lbs 110.8 (3lbs total)
BMI 19.5 19.3
Waist 25.25" (0.75" total)
Hips 31.75" 31.5" (1.5" total)
Butt 35.5" (1" total)
Thighs 20" (1" each so 2" total)

Total inches: 5.25" lost!

Next up: Insanity Max 30!