Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Insanity Max 30

I've decided to continue my fitness journey with Insanity Max 30 (IM30 for short). I've tried a workout before and it's intense but I think it will keep me motivate by staying challenging. I'll update every week again with new stats and photos and a description of the week itself. I'm drinking Shakeology this time and am following closer to the meal plan with the containers so hopefully I'll see better results than BBL (not that those weren't good too). So here goes...

Starting Stats:
Weight 111.5 lbs
BMI 19.5
Waist 25.25"
Hips 32"
Butt 35.5"
Thighs 20"
Arms 9.5"
Calves 12.5"/13"

(my right calf is larger due to nerve problems and is swollen most of the time)

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