Monday, June 6, 2016

3 Day Refresh Review

This is my honest review of Beachbody's 3 Day Refresh. I participated in a challenge group that started with this and wasn't sure what to think at first. You follow a very easy guide of what to eat for 3 days and it's suppose to cleanse your body and get you eating healthier. You're also not suppose to exercise too hard because it's a limited calorie diet but I stuck with my Brazil Butt Lift schedule.

Here's a look at my meals:
Day 1
     Wake up: drink 8 oz filtered water
     BBL Carnivale and High & Tight
     Breakfast: Shakeology and 12 strawberries (1h after waking up. Mine was a little later than that)
     Late AM: Fiber Sweep
     Lunch: Vanilla Fresh, 1 peach, 2 celery sticks, and 0.5T almond butter (0.5T=1.5t)
     Snack: 1C sliced cucumbers and 0.5T almond butter
     Dinner: Vanilla Fresh and spinach salad recipe

Day 2
     Wake up: drink 8 oz filtered water
     BBL Ipanema Booty and 15 Min Abs
     Breakfast: Shakeology and 12 strawberries
     Late AM: Fiber Sweep
     Lunch: Vanilla Fresh, 1/2 apple, 1C sliced cucumbers, and 0.5T almond butter
     Snack: 2 celery sticks and 0.5T almond butter
     Dinner: Vanilla Fresh and spinach salad recipe

Day 3
     Wake up: drink 8 oz filtered water
     BBL Carnivale and High & Tight
     Breakfast: Shakeology and 12 strawberries
     Late AM: Fiber Sweep
     Lunch: Vanilla Fresh, 1/2 apple, 2 celery sticks, and 0.5T almond butter
     Snack: 2 celery sticks and 0.5T almond butter
     Dinner: Vanilla Fresh and spinach salad recipe

I chose the chocolate Shakeology and hoped it was going to be good since I hadn't tried it before. It's amazing!!! 1 packet in 8oz of water is nice and thick and tastes like brownie batter! There's a slight aftertaste from the stevia but it's not bad.

The fiber sweep is very lemony. It's not horrible and since it's only mixed in 8 oz you can chug it easily. I've heard to drink it immediately so don't let it sit around!

The vanilla fresh isn't bad. I wish I could have Shakeology instead tho. It's mild enough and pretty bland. I tried it with plain water and with lime juice and mint (mojito recipe found here). The mojito isn't close to a real one but I guess it's better than nothing.

I forgot to measure so I'm just using my BBL week 4 results since they were taken just a few days before hand so they should be close. I did weigh myself though.

Start                           End
Weight 112.0              109.8
Waist 25.5"                 25
Hips 32"                     32
Butt 36"                      36
Thighs 20"                  20

Overall it's not too bad because it's only for 3 days. I was a little hungry. I wanted ice cream and wine and chocolate but feel this is an easy way to get a lot of fruits and veggies into your diet so you get use to eating more of them and develop a craving for them.

Just a side note... you might gain the weight back in the days following the refresh. I did. Granted the 1st day afterwards I ate A LOT of carbs but I ate better on the second day. I weighed myself on the 3rd morning and was a little sad to see the scale back at 111.8. It definitely has taught me that yes you can lose weight with it and maybe you'll be able to keep it off but in reality it's more of a way to flush out your system and get it ready to eat healthier. It taught me how to time out my meals and shows me that I need to vary my diet some more.

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