Thursday, June 2, 2016

BBL Week 1 Results

Brazil Butt Lift week 1 is complete!! I've been following the classic schedule but an older version than what came with the DVDs. This one has more exercises per day so I figured I'd give it my all. The schedule can be found here: I found the resistance band that came with the program a little loose so I ordered a set of 4 and can't wait for them to come in. I started with 5lb weights for sculpt and definitely feel it! Occasionally I'd switch to the 1.5 lb ankle weights that I've been using for high and tight.

I'm not really a meat eater and am super picky so a lot of the meals in the meal plan don't appeal to me. I started off good and stuck to my calories for about 3 days then slowly kept adding more and more sweets. If it's in the house, I'm going to eat it. I found these awesome coconut cookies and made my own. Only 50 calories each! Great if you eat just 1 instead of 5 or 10... I didn't think the recipe would make 75! I finished them off (so they wouldn't be in the house) and tried to stick to the plan again.

To up my protein I've started having a protein shake (Vega Clean Vanilla) after each workout/for breakfast since I usually workout in the morning. That's another story. I love to sleep in as much as possible with a toddler but have been waking up at 5:30 to make sure I get my workouts in. It's hard but comes with an amazing feeling of accomplishment knowing that I'm done for the day. Sure beats waiting until the end of the day and not wanting to do anything.

I failed the pencil test but didn't expect to pass it. I did lose 0.2 lbs 1" from my hips and 0.25" from my thighs so it's something.

Updated Stats:
Weight 113.8lbs 113.6
BMI 19.8
Waist 26"
Hips 33" 32"
Butt 36.5"
Thighs 21" 20.75"

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