Thursday, June 2, 2016

BBL Week 3 Results

Week 3 is done! I can't believe I'm almost 1/2 way through already! I don't think I've ever stuck to an exercise plan for more than a week if I'm being honest. It's hard to find time but it's worth it if it's important to you.

The exercises get easier each time I do them. That doesn't mean they're not challenging. I hate the circle leg lifts in high and tight. They hurt so much. Oh. I should mention that I have to modify a few of the exercises, mainly sit ups and such, because I have a fused spine and physically can't do them. It's important to push yourself but know your limits. You don't want to injure yourself and have to start all over.

I started eating 1.5C of strawberries every day. I love fruits and raw veggies (can't do them cooked) and strawberries are my favorite. It's costly to purchase a lb package every other day but it's a great snack that doesn't have a lot of calories.

My weight is back to starting and I haven't seen any inches lost this week. That's ok thought because my diet is still sucky and I've noticed I'm in better cardio shape. I've noticed a slight change in my butt shape so maybe I'll pass the pencil test soon.

On a side note, my niece has become a Beachbody coach and started a challenge group for next month! We're going to suffer through complete the 3 Day Refresh. I'm excited to get that in the mail and have a support system knowing that others are doing the same thing.

Updated Stats:
Weight 114.2 lbs 113.4
BMI 19.9 19.8
Waist 25.5"
Hips 32"
Butt 36"
Thighs 20.5"

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