Thursday, June 2, 2016

BBL Week 2 Results

Week 2 of Brazil Butt Lift had longer workout combos which meant getting up 30 minutes earlier at 5am. I got my new resistance bands in and the light one is still too easy so I'm on the medium. It definitely requires work but I know the results will be better than if I take it easy. I'm hating the tricep exercises in sculpt but am trying my best. It's easier to follow along this week but bum bum is still very challenging. Way too many squats and lunges for me but I try my best.

As far as eating right goes, I've completely failed at that. I have no control if there's sweets around so I finished off what was left in the house. I haven't had soda in a while because it makes me break out and it's a lot easier to not drink it now. I hate drinking water but have been really diligent about getting my ounces in. I have a water bottle that is 1/2 of what I need in a day so it's easy to measure out.

Due to eating way over my calorie goal, I've gained weight this week. It could also be my scale. It's digital and, being a scientist, I don't trust it if it's not calibrated regularly. I was able to lose a few inches though.

Updated Stats:
Weight 113.6 114.2
BMI 19.8 19.9
Waist 26" 25.75
Hips 32"
Butt 36.5" 36
Thighs 20.75" 20.5

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