Monday, June 13, 2016

BBL Week 5 Results

I signed up for the premium club membership which gives a free 30 day trial for Beachbody On Demand (BOD) this week. I anticipated on doing this since we'll be out of town for week 8 and I didn't want to bring something to play DVDs. I'm still debating on how to work that week but I'll figure it out later. The best part about BOD is that you have access to several different programs and all of their content (meal guide, calendar, etc) so you can try out different programs before you buy them. Some videos are exclusive to you purchasing the program first (ex. 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max:30, P90, PiYo, and T25) but give you access to the digital files after you purchase. The premium membership also gets you a 10% discount on purchases, access to a meal planner, and is only $2.99/week (billed quarterly $38.87) which is a ton cheaper than any gym and cheaper than ordering all of the programs.

I also ordered a trial pack of Shakeology. It includes a packet of each flavor so you can try them all. I can't wait for that to get here so I can see which flavor(s) I like best.

My 3 Day Refresh arrived on Tuesday just in time for me to start it on Wednesday. You can see my review of it here.

I looked at the Brazil Butt Lift Master Series and Carnivale Series videos (thanks to the BOD access) and have decided to incorporate them into my schedule in place of similar BBL exercises to mix it up a bit. I tried to replace exercises with similar ones. Here is my modified schedule:

We had a lot going on this week which meant I didn't want to get up and exercise every morning but I did anyways. I did cut a few High & Tights short though and changed the last Cardio Axe to Carnivale. I think a lot of my weight loss is due to the 3 Day Refresh but will gladly take it! My hubby is seeing changes too and said these exercises are making me toned especially in my abs. :) I still fail the pencil test but maybe I'll be able to pass it by the end.

Updated Stats:
Weight 111.4lbs 109.8
BMI 19.7 19.1
Waist 25.5" 25
Hips 32"
Butt 36"
Thighs 20"

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