Monday, June 20, 2016

BBL Week 6 Results

I'm not sure why but this week it's been hard to find motivation to exercise. Maybe it's because the Facebook challenge group I was in is now over or maybe I'm getting bored with the exercises or maybe I'm not seeing the results I had hoped for by now. Either way I'm sticking with it and getting it done. I've gained back all of the weight I lost with the 3 Day Refresh. I'll admit diet has A LOT to do with that and probably the reason why I haven't seen the results I had hoped for. I really need to focus on sticking to a calorie goal and eating more well rounded meals. One problem with that is my pickiness. My new coach posted the updated 21 Day Fix foods list and I eat 38% of what's on there. Luckily my favorite foods (besides sugary treats) are fruits and veggies and I love salads. I'm not really a meat eater but I guess I need to start adding more into my diet.

This week is what I call sculpt week because we have it 3 times! I changed one for booty time, bikini body, and 15 min abs. I bought 8 lb hand weights, a new stability ball, and 10 lb (5lbs each) ankle weights to hopefully challenge myself more. I started with 3lbs on each ankle and moved up to the heavy resistance band. It made the moves harder so I wasn't able to do as many as before but I think it'll be better than using an easier band/weight. I skipped sculpt on day 5 and was going to add it to my rest day but had to install a door and week whack and that is equivalent in my eyes.

I can't believe there's only 2 weeks left. I'm still not sure if I'm going to complete week 8 or stop at 7 since we'll be on vacation the whole time and will be active. Guess I need to figure it out soon.

Updated Stats:
Weight 109.8lbs 111.8
BMI 19.1 19.5
Waist 25" 25.25
Hips 32" 31.75
Butt 36" 35.5
Thighs 20"

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