Friday, June 3, 2016

BBL Week 4 Results

Did I really just finish 1/2 of the Brazil Butt Lift program?! Time has flown by!

This week I've been adamant about sticking to my calorie goal and did well. It's really not too hard when you meal plan. (What? Meal planning helps?? Who knew!? haha) I've been eating a lot of fruits and salads but still have carbs because bread is yummy and the easiest to break down into energy. I've also added another protein shake in for lunch which helps keep me feeling full. I actually lost 2lbs!!

I tried Beachbody's Shakeology this week for the first time. A friend of mine gave me a packet of the vanilla and I decided to make a pina colada. The recipe calls for 1/2C pineapple juice, 1/2C water, and 1/2t coconut extract. Mix that with a scoop/packet of vanilla Shakeology and some ice and voila! I was expecting something spectacular considering all the great things I've heard about Shakeology but was disappointed. It wasn't bad but it wasn't something to write home about. I ordered the chocolate one with the 3 Day Refresh (which finally shipped) so hopefully that one is better.

I also tried mixing EAS Vanilla with black coffee. Don't. Ever. Do. That. It's the most disgusting thing in the world! I suffered through it but will never do that again! Maybe someone likes it but I certainly don't.

I wasn't sure if I should continue on the classic schedule or move to something else. I don't feel I need to lift at all and thought about slim and shape to get rid of excess fat. I think I'm going to stick with the classic for now but might change it up some and maybe even add in extra workouts on my rest days (if I feel like it). Today was my rest day but I tried Insanity Max30 Sweat to fill up my Apple Watch rings. Oh my! That's a serious workout!! My watch said I burned 209 calories in 30 minutes! I actually took a cold shower afterwards and I like my showers as hot as a hot tub.

Updated Stats:
Weight 113.4lbs 111.4
BMI 19.8 19.7
Waist 25.5"
Hips 32"
Butt 36"
Thighs 20.5" 20"

Start vs Week 4

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